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Our River Rafting Tours

Are you looking for an extraordinary experience? Join our experienced guides on the river! Whitewater rafting or river rafting also known as rafting, is an activity that is perfect for families or a groups of friends who want to laugh together while adventuring in our beautiful nature.

We offer rafting on the Österdal River, located 15 kilometers from Idre Fjäll. This nice family trip offers wonderful nature experiences and is suitable for children from 7 years old and adults who want a more relaxed ride.

If you want more action, we recommend the Hot Dog tour on the Storån river. These so-called hot dogs are inflatable two-person canoes designed for whitewater rafting. This thrilling experience brings many laughs and an occasional swim. The Hot Dog tour is for ages 14 and up accompanied by a guardian (16 years old without a guardian, but with permission from them).

Equipment and refreshments are included in all our rafting tours.

Idre Fjäll's River Rafting Tours


Enjoy a gentle river rafting experience suitable for the whole family, including children. Try our family tour, which offers calm and scenic rapids approximately 20 kilometers from Idre Fjäll, outside the village of Idre. It's perfect for those paddling for the first time. While the focus is on the little ones, it's a fun experience for the whole family. Plenty of splashing and playing is guaranteed! After the tour, refreshments will be provided.

The Glötta Ride

Experience river rafting amidst incredible views! We travel to Norway and launch the boats in Femunden, Norway's third-largest lake, located 65 kilometers from Idre Fjäll. After a short paddle across the lake, we reach the first spectacular rapid. Glötta is a scenic stretch with some really fun rapids! Weather permitting, we'll enjoy majestic views of the Rendalssölen mountain range as we have refreshments after the tour.

Hotdog Tour on Storån

An action-packed tour on Storån River, located outside Idre village. Paddle in our inflatable two-person canoes (hot dogs) through the rapids, with the guide in a canoe nearby. The river is one of the finest in Northern Dalarna, and many people travel long distances to paddle this stretch. Take on a challenging but fun adventure that guarantees lots of laughter and the occasional swim (expect to get wet). After the tour, we provide refreshments.

The Trysil Tour

Our best whitewater rafting tour! The tour takes place in Norway, at Femundsundet, which is located 80 kilometers from Idre Fjäll. Here, we paddle on the Femund River, which offers some of the most thrilling rapids in the area! The stretch we paddle includes eight rapids, with the longest one being 750 meters long. We spend approximately 2 hours on the water. After about halfway, we go ashore to stretch our legs. If the temperature allows, there is an opportunity for river swimming, which many guests find enhances the experience. Lunch and refreshments are provided after the tour.

River Rafting

The Adventure awaits

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Gathering Place

The rafting center is located next to Restaurant Störröset. Take left just before the bridge on your way up to Idre Fjäll and park next to the rolling hoops. Transportation from there in your own car.

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