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This winters After ski at Idre Fjäll

After ski for every taste

Is there a more classic ingredient to a skiing holiday than After ski? But not everyone want's a full on After ski with ski boot dancing and this winter we introduce nice additions to the classic After ski. 

 Classic, soft, premium - or childish!

Our classic After ski contains above mentioned ski boot dancing and upbeat covers. This year we have moved it to Ingemar's for the first half of the season. As the days grow longer it lands on Utsikten, our mountain top restaurant with a view!

We really love our new soft After ski at Understället - where we offer soft live music and a cozy atmosphere. If you're looking for an even more relaxed feeling you should try our premium After ski in our new Kött och Fiskbaren Lounge bar. No live music, just cava, bleak roe waffles and a mountain view. 

Last but not least: don't miss the Childrens After ski - at Understället all winter!

After ski

Artists & venues

Classic After ski

Week 52-11 - Ingemars | Week 12-16 - Utsikten

Week Artist
52, 1, 5, 7, 10, 15 Farbror Fläsk
1, 4, 12 No Comments
2, 8 VI3
3, 6 Det där bandet
9, 13, 16 Pist Off
11, 14 Louisiana


Soft After ski

Week 1-16 - Understället

Vecka Artist
1, 2, 6, 11, 14 Juno
3, 7, 12 Anders Kahn
4, 8, 13, 16 Johnny Sörman
9, 10, 15 More info to come